Coming Soon

Want All Your Offices to Receive Business Referrals?

Currently the law firms are found only in the location of their principal office. This profile is free. If you have selected to receive referrals, it will receive them. There is no cost for referrals. They are a professional service to clients.

New – Extend your referral coverage to all of your offices outside of headquarters.

Each firm will soon be able to create a full profile for each office outside of their home office.

The firm controls the information, so that office specialties can be described. For example, if the firm has multiple offices, all can appear and receive business referrals for each tailored to the office’s practices.

The cost per office outside of home office.

Number of offices Cost per Office
2 – 5 $20,000
6 - 10 $18,000
11 – 20 $16,000
21-40 $14,000
41-60 $12,000
61+ $10,000

Examples of law firm offices outside of principal jurisdiction. Cost:

Number of Offices Cost Total
5 In State/Country $0 $0
2 Out State/Country $40,000 (2 offices) $40,000
15 Out State/Country $100,000 (5 offices) +90,000 (5 offices) +$80,000 (5 offices) $250,000
25 Out State/Country $100,000 (5 Offices) +90,000 (5 Offices) +$80,000 (5 offices) + $70,000 (5 Offices) $340,000

For information, contact: Stephen McGarry – – 832-788-9260 Amazon Books Biography